Tuesday, July 14, 2009

HB Independence Day Parade

Free parade! Jets above! Live bands! WWII Vets! Gotta give you:


For all the free stuff in the world, there ain't nothing like a free parade. Especially when you can arrive at this one five minutes before show time and still stake a place in the shade!

This parade has marching bands, bands from around the county, a famous celebrity (that guy that plays Freddie from iCarly), WWII re-enactors and real vets, and horses! It was a fun atmosphere to be in and a great day to be outside. There was just one incident of notice. It was when one lady fell off her horse drawn carriage and was caught in the balloons tied to the carriage. She was dragged along a few feet, but was okay after the incident.

The people were great. No one was truly obnoxious...at least that we ran into. It was also great to bring your bike and go around downtown because most of the major streets are closed.

In the evening there was a spectacular fireworks show launched from the pier. It went on for about fifteen minutes and had one of the longest finales that I have ever seen. The show however, is best watched from the car with the windows down and your own music playing in the background.

Parking is tough for the parade and fireworks, so I definitely suggest walking or taking another form of transportation to get you there.

Oh yeah, another celebrity I saw was Snoopy. I think he was getting more applause from the crowd than the iCarly fellow.

Post comments below!


  1. I would give Snoopy more applause than the iCarly fellow because I don't know the iCarly fellow.

    Did you take only one picture? That is a pretty good picture. It definitely looks like you are in a shady spot. You should have took a picture of the poor woman who fell off her horse as she was getting dragged!

  2. I wish I got a better picture of Snoopy but you can check out all my HB Parade photos on my facebook account.

    Unfortunately, when the lady fell off, my battery already died in my camera. Figures!
