Thursday, June 24, 2010

The Scoop on Cookies

Welcome back!!!!!!!!!!!

I've had a nice break from writing on this blog, but now I'm excited to be back. Let's see what attractions I run into this summer!

First up on the block is a new ice cream store hybrid called THE SCOOP ON COOKIES.

I give it a rating of: A

Honestly, can I give any ice cream place a low rating? It's basically the greatest invention in the history of the universe right underneath the invention of the wheel.

Ever been to Diddy Reese in Westwood? Well, this place is exactly like that (except it doesn't serve hot dogs). It's a little more pricey that Diddy Reese, but you save money on gas driving up that far. $.75 will buy you a cookie, $7 a dozen, and all cookies are made there. It smells so delicious when you walk inside. They even have a unique cookie called the S'mores (perfect for a store by the beach). The ice cream is Thrifty's but it's really good. For $2.50 you can get an ice cream sand'wish' (yep, that's right folks) so it's about a buck more that Diddy but oh so good!

They also have some traditional beach candy like salt water taffy, but they have candies you've probably never seen before. There's a candy based on Idaho spud potatoes. Rocky Road and Charleston Chews are some of my favorites that they have but are always hard to find.

This place is located in downtown Huntington Beach right off Main Street. It's next to BJ's Pizza off Main Street. Trust me, you can't miss the bright colors!


  1. Hey you're still alive! Thanks for the welcome back and for your review of The Scoop. I would like to have an ice cream sand'wish' some day.

  2. I would enjoy showing you the crazy place. There's also some really good gelato places on Main Street too!

  3. Gelato, too? Don't overdo it guys!
