Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Petco Park Review

Before I start, I just want to clarify that I'm reviewing the ballpark and not the Padres. We all know that this year they are the stinker of So Cal, but thankful they have a glorious stadium to be proud of. I just recently visited the ballpark less than a month ago, and here's my review of the place:


This place has got to be the most beautiful ballpark in southern California! No doubt about it, Petco Park was made for the fans, and the park itself creates an amazing atmosphere.

In left field, they have the historic Western Metal Company building that was retrofitted to hold seats, a gift shop, and a sit-down buffet style restaurant. It blends right into the field, and in fact, some of the seats overhand in field a little. The corner of the building acts like a foul pole too!

In center field, that's where you can find the $5 seats. Basically there are benches, and at the lower benches there is sand for all the kiddies to enjoy. While there is no game being played, this place is open to the public. It's the only ballpark in MLB to be open to the public while no games are being played. Behind right field is another historic building that used to be a candy factory. It is the largest building ever to be picked up and relocated. Currently it's under renovation, but I would love to get some candy from that place!

In fact, this entire area was a dump at one point in San Diego. That's why they built the stadium here, because it was the cheapest land in downtown. However, an apartment here can run you upward of two grand, and that's just for the lower level suites!

The stadium itself is designed so that whenever you're walking around, you can always get a good look at the game. It's big open walkways allows you to see the game practically wherever you are in the park. With clearly designated areas for food, you don't have to wander around the entire park looking for your favorite place to eat. In fact, I found a Rubio's that made their famous shrimp burritos quite easily. It taste just as good as any regular Rubio's I've been too.

About the only complaint I have is that the seats are tilted in towards the home plate. So your legs get kind of tangled with your neighbor and can give you a sore back afterwards, but nothing to complain about.

So if you're ever in San Diego looking for something to do, definitely check out Petco Park. If there's a game, you can walk-up to the ticket window and get a couple of $5 tickets, or if no game is being played, just go ahead and walk right in. Also there's a beautiful view of the bay right behind home plate, so that's why I'm giving Petco Park the award for:


  1. Good review. I've worked in San Diego for 5 months and only been to the little park right outside Petco Park. That is where I played dodge ball with co-workers.

    From your pictures, that definitely looks like a very beautiful ballpark. Did you take those pics yourself?

  2. Yeah, I took those pictures when we were taking a tour of the park several hours before the ball game. The players were there extremely early. With all the practice they get in, the game itself must actually be the easier part.
