Monday, August 3, 2009

VG Review: Star Wars: The Force Unleashed

Alright So Cal fans, you're in for another treat as tonight we review last years most talked about video game for the Xbox 360:


What?! "Star Wars games are suppose to be awesome!" Yeah, I hear you bro, but once again it seems like Lucas Arts fails to deliver on this hyped up game. (I know what you're thinking, "Why is Mr. SC reviewing a game that is millions of years old!" Well, basically I was waiting until this game became a little more affordable$$$). Judging by this review, you'll agree with me that this game should have gone to the bargain bin a lot quicker.

First off the graphics are spot on. On the current gen systems, the graphics are simply phenomenal! There's no denying that. It's also fun to play in alternative scenes from the movie and to be the villain for once. Also if you're a hard-core Star Wars, it's great to just listen to the side-story of Rebellion and how episode IV came to fruition. That is also why in the second level of the game, I changed the difficulty from medium to easy. I just wanted to play through to see the entire story.

With the force powers, they are cool, but basically they are just used for stormtrooper fodder. For other characters in the game, they are rather useless and you use your lightsaber to fight through them. Force lightning is the only force power that would actually stun an opponent but others like grapple have no effect whatsoever. Also when you're using your powers, it tends to focus on objects that you aren't even looking at! It became very hard to adjust too.

Speaking of the camera, it tends to focus on objects in the game other than the enemies that you're fighting. There's no auto lock-on for the camera, so unless you change the view manually, you can be staring in the one direction the entire game while your character can be walking in the other way.

For all the negatives, I must say I'm very excited about the new Jedi Temple that recently was introduced online as well as several new levels that are coming for the game later this fall. It basically provides an alternative to the Star Wars universe (think of a mirror universe where the dark side wins all the battles).

If you're looking for a great Star Wars game with subpar game mechanics, than this game is definitely for you!


  1. From your review, I thought you would have given this game a grade of C or at least a B-.

  2. Eh, I was being nice because it's a star wars game.
